Get Your Vehicle Paint Shining Brighter Than The Florida Sun!

top  Ceramic Coatings installations in Daytona Beach, FL


Our Ceramic Coating Packages


XPEL Fusion Plus Lite





  • Level 1 paint correction
  • Single application of ceramic to paint and body work
  • Windshield coated
  • Includes warranty (see detailer for information)


XPEL Fusion Plus Paint and PPF





  • Level 1 paint correction
  • Single application of ceramic to paint and body work
  • Infrared (IR) curing 
  • Wheel faces only coated
  • All automotive glass coated
  • Includes warranty (see detailer for information)


XPEL Fusion Plus Premium 





  • Level 1 paint correction 
  • Wheel faces only coated
  • All automotive glass coated
  • Includes warranty (see detailer for information)

Why Settle for Less Glorious Paintwork?

You bought the vehicle you drive because it stood out to you on the dealership lot or perhaps you purchased what you currently drive around in because of its performance capabilities. But one thing is for sure: No matter what your reasoning for picking up your ride, there should be NO reason that you sit in the front seat feeling ashamed about how it looks or wish that it looked more glamorous than it does. We feel it is time for you to level up the gloss factor of your paint and the high-quality shine of all the other surfaces of your exterior.

Ceramic Coatings Eliminate Your Need to Wax or Seal Your Vehicle

Get a glossy and slick surface for your vehicle's exterior that you cannot get anywhere else with our ceramic coating packages here at Detail Daytona! We hand apply every single package that a customer selects, making sure to account for all the uniqueness of the vehicle that we work on as we watch it cure and make sure that the ceramic coating has been installed smoothly and seamlessly. 

You can finally put down the cheap spray sealants and the vehicle waxes that you purchase from local auto stores and trust that your ride will look its best all year round through any type of weather! If you are still struggling to decide between which ceramic coating would look best on your vehicle, start by calling Detail Daytona at our Daytona Beach, Florida detailing shop at
(386) 383-2177. Not only can we help you decide, but once you have the coating installed, our expert exterior detailers will provide sufficient maintenance that will keep it hydrophobic for years to come.


Want to Understand Our Ceramic Coating Benefits?

Maintenance Becomes Easier for You

Keeping your vehicle spotless does not have to be a strenuous task! With our ceramic coatings here at Detail Daytona, you get a superior level of vehicle quality with eased routine maintenance. A cured ceramic coating shields your vehicle from both natural and human-made impurities with reinforced intensity, preventing stains from happening. This security encompasses added resilience against elements like rainwater, dust, grime, mud, and anything else that otherwise would solidify on your finish here in Florida, as well as tar, oil, and other messes found on the streets of Daytona Beach, Florida. Thanks to our cutting-edge nanoparticle-infused coatings, a robust and sleek barrier that repels most contaminants will be the new normal for your vehicle! In between washes, you will drive easily knowing your vehicle can avert early wear and tear on the paint while preserving its shiny, reflective outer appearance.

Maximizing Vehicle Surface Hydrophobicity

Ceramic coatings have gained significant recognition in the vehicle detailing industry due to their remarkable ability to repel water and other liquids. This distinctive attribute is why they are such a low-maintenance investment in what you drive. Setting themselves apart from the ordinary, readily available paint sealants often found at auto stores in the Daytona Beach area that make claims of handling these same tasks, our certified ceramic coatings at Detail Daytona establish a long-term bond with your exterior that has a tense surface built to resist the attachment of liquids and solids. Water that comes into contact with your ceramic coating forms beads that effortlessly roll off the surface, and solid contaminants simply do not stick. This exceptional hydrophobic property not only streamlines the cleaning process as mentioned earlier, but also guarantees an immaculate appearance.

Sparkle, Gloss, and Color Richness Improvements

The ceramic coatings we offer bring out the innate shine and radiance of your vehicle here in Florida! Our paint enhancement solutions here at Detail Daytona will make your vehicle look as if it just rolled off the showroom floor. Without wonder, our ceramic coatings provide a clear and glossy surface layer on top of your paintwork, amplifying the depth of your vehicle's color detail which results in an undeniably striking visual appeal. Nowhere else can you get this type of surface shine, as conventional waxes or store bought sealants do not have the nanoparticles that our certified ceramic coatings do. The satisfaction you get from your impeccably coated vehicle can last as long as ten years thanks to the precise care that our team at Detail Daytona also facilitates with our detailing packages.

Myths About Our Ceramic Coatings Include

Myth 1: Ceramic coatings are a substitute for paint protection film

Paint protection film (PPF) and ceramic coatings function in distinctly different ways, both to the unique benefit of your vehicle. The PPF acts as a physical shield, safeguarding against defects and discrepancies such as light scratches, nicks, and various external degradation. On the other hand, ceramic coatings are known for their resistance to common environmental contaminants and their ability to truly and deeply amplify the surface luster of what you drive. You have access to BOTH of these professional vehicle enhancement products here at Detail Daytona, in which they may be used in tandem. However, they are NOT suitable substitutes for one another!

Myth 2: Our ceramic coating packages require no maintenance whatsoever

Our ceramic coatings greatly reduce the necessity for regular hand washes by their surface hydrophobicity repelling grime and dampness. But nevertheless, our certified ceramic coating installation team knows that ongoing maintenance by a professional vehicle detailer is absolutely essential. Over time, heavier contaminants can accumulate on the ceramic coating's surface, which not only diminishes its effectiveness but reduces the original hydrophobicity you know and love. Regular cleaning by the detailing team at Detail Daytona is sure to extend the durability of your selected ceramic coating.

Myth 3: A single application of a ceramic coating will last for the life of the vehicle

Many customers wrongfully believe that our team at Detail Daytona applying a ceramic coating is a one-time process that provides a permanent enhancement and slick hydrophobicity to your paint, glass, wheels, and more. In reality, even the best ceramic coatings that are maintained by our professional vehicle detailing team DO degrade over time due to exposure to UV rays from the Floridian sun, harsh chemicals on the roadways, and even environmental factors that are more abrasive than others. The solution is to watch for a waning in surface hydrophobicity, where reapplication will be necessary to maintain and increase the coating's effectiveness.

Myth 4: Ceramic coatings can be applied by anyone anywhere

There is no question here: Proper application of a ceramic coating requires a significant degree of skill, expertise, and a meticulous attention to detail. The alternative paint enhancement kits bought at auto supply stores are often appealing because of their accessibility and cost-effectiveness, but using them only provide lackluster results. Conversely, if you somehow obtain a professional ceramic coating, incorrect or imprecise application can lead to a number of undesirable outcomes, such as streaks on the vehicle’s surface, uneven coverage that creates a patchy appearance, or a reduction in the expected durability of the coating.


Ceramic Coating Form

Please provide details of your vehicle for the most accurate quote.

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